Thursday, April 25, 2013

Welcome to SnapFax!

Hello and welcome to my blog!

You may be wondering what the heck "SnapFax" could mean. After all we live in an age where everyone wants stuff in a snap (snap your fingers here). Instant gratification seems to be the name of the game these days. Also, many people send documents, resumes, and all kinds of stuff via a fax machine daily (overhead in an office: "Yesterday I got my tie stuck in the fax machine. Next thing I knew I was in Los Angeles."). So could my blog be about the rat race and how to survive it?

Not even close.

This blog is actually about a drink and its bottle caps.


Ever heard of Snapple?

If you haven't, get your backside to the nearest grocery store and visit the juices, teas, and chilled drinks immediately.

If you have, you are probably familiar with the little "Real Facts" that come on the underside of the cap of the bottle. There are thousands of them, all of which make you think. "SnapFax" is short for "Snapple Facts."

So why am I writing about something that is tossed in the trash every day? Two reasons.

First, a little back story. When I was a kid, I spent the humid summer days of Seattle at my grandparents' house with my younger brother and two cousins. They loved Snapple. Grandma bought it regularly and we collected the caps as we drank, trying to see how many little randoms pieces of info we could collect. I never got into it; to be honest I did not enjoy the taste of Snapple that much unless it was a specific flavor. My brother and cousins loved it. This leads to the second part of the "why" question.

In a recent job I was asked to write text ads for an online coupon company. One of the merchants offering deals was Snapple. Seeing that topic up on the screen in front of me took me back to those faded summers of playing in the backyard and drinking Snapple. The word SNAPPLE brought back the happier memories of frisbees, soccer, volleyball, and monkey bars. To research the deals I would be writing for, I visited the Snapple website to find the complete list of those silly Real Facts. After contacting my brother to ask him why he and our cousins never checked the website, the idea for this blog quickly formed in my mind. So here I am, ready to bring my writings to the world wide web.

Every day (or as often as I can) I will bring one Fact to the blog and write about it. Each Fact will bring with it my personal thoughts (and if you're lucky, a little side research) and musings. If I find a Fact that  - shock and horror - is false, I will explain why. Trust me, I know that will happen. I also will not be going in numerical order. I will pick a random Fact number from the Snapple site each time, so you can't go online and predict which one I will write about next :). If I miss a day, have no fear. I will be back soon. One quick disclaimer: Snapple does not endorse this blog or anything I say...these are simply my musings on the idea of the Real Facts. With that, I will close this first entry, and begin with Day 1 of SnapFax!


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