Monday, April 29, 2013

Fact #341

Real Fact #341: Of the 92 counties in Indiana, only 5 observe daylight savings time.


I quickly hit the internet on this one. I have heard of single counties in a state not observing DST, and if I remember correctly Arizona does not follow it at all. But Indiana?

I realize I went against the grain of everything I was taught in college, but I went to Wikipedia for an answer.

According to the Wikipedia website, all counties of Indiana started observing DST in 2006.

That ought to make things a little easier for the residents. Personally I would be quite confused if I lived there and had to deal with a constant time change. How would getting to school or work play out if you lived in one county and your work/school was in another? You would be changing time zones twice a day...I would imagine your circadian rhythm would get knocked out of whack.

Snapple, I can't fully call you out on this one. After all, when my brother and cousins collected these caps in the 1990's and early 2000's that fact was probably true. Today, however, the fact is outdated. So Snapple...perhaps you should update this factoid.

If anyone lives in Indiana or knows the time cycle there well, I welcome your input.

As for DST itself...

Personally, as someone who has lived on the northern edge of the 48 contiguous states most of my life, I see a huge difference in daylight. Even here in Denver where I am a little bit closer to the equator, the days suddenly seem much longer when DST kicks in. The sun comes up earlier, prompting me to get up and get going with the day, and it stays out later, making my day seem longer. As someone with a sensitive circadian rhythm I love the long days. When the sun goes down, my system seems to wind down quickly. So I get sleepy at 6pm in December! Maybe I should buy one of those "happy lights" that helps with Seasonal Affective Disorder (something else I have noticed can bug my system, but I digress). When the sun goes down, I could sit under the light for a bit to recharge myself...

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