Fact #50: Mosquitoes have 47 teeth.
Well, how else do they do their dirty work?
Looking at that big needle nose of theirs you would not expect to find teeth. After all, the nose looks like it could poke through your skin no problem, just like a sewing needle does when you accidentally nick yourself.
It is true that these insects do not have teeth for chewing purposes like we do. They are more along the lines of cutting tools to help the proboscis (the mouth of the insect, technically) get through skin to the blood stream. So this fact I guess is half true...the mosquito has tools to cut with that might be considered teeth, but they do not chew. Thank you WikiAnswers for this information.
I hate mosquitoes. If you live or have lived in an area where these beasts breed, you know the terror. At sunrise and sunset you can't go outside without soaking yourself in bug repellents, donning yourself in long sleeves, long pants, gloves, and army boots, and carrying a citronella candle.
Think I'm kidding? Ask people who have lived or visited Central America where you have to sleep in mosquito netting.
West Nile doesn't help anything either. There is something about me that mosquitoes love, so whenever I am in mosquito territory I end up covered in these nasty, itching red welts that can be up to a full centimeter across. I am surprised I have not caught anything from these buggers yet. When visiting lakes, ponds, or places where these beasts hang out, I make sure I am well protected. And I thank the Lord when there are lots of birds, bats, and spiders. Call it creepy, but these wonderful creatures devour the insect that tries to devour me.
As a closing thought, here is a Far Side comic, taken from Google Images:
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